2 Dec 2021

The Cup Method


I'm a self admitted workaholic. It isn't intentional and it's something that I have mixed feelings about. I've historically used work to escape dealing with other areas of life that I had less control over. It's allowed me to achieve a lot on paper, but there are negative side effects that I won't go into right now. 

However, I get asked semi-frequently what my 'process' is. How do I find it so easy to concentrate on tasks for so many hours day in day out without getting bored? The answer is, I don't. I would get just as bored as the next person, require copious amounts of caffeine to even function at basic humaning in the mornings and I burn out if I'm forced to work on something I have no interest in for longer than a few hours. If anything, I have less intrinsic concentration skills than most people I've met. The difference is that I realised this at a young age (I'd probably be diagnosed with ADHD if tested now) and was in a very competitive environment where I was expected to perform at consistently high levels or face various forms of punishment. So I had to adapt quickly.

Over the years I've read various 'CEO lifestyle' posts that advise you to get up at 5am while it's still dark outside, have cold showers every day, run for 5 miles before breakfast, etc. Every so often I'll try this for a month or so out of curiosity. It is pure torture. Every single time my productivity crashes, I feel exhausted, depressed, and end up having to play catch up the following month. I've learned the hard way that you have to work with your natural rhythm. What works for one person doesn't neccessarily work for another.

For me, my natural state is that of a night-owl. My routine is completely backwards compared to the stereotypical CEO. I'm useless in the morning and use that time for creative brainstorming. My mind can't focus on one thing and automatically wants to branch off in multiple directions. So I use that to my advantage. I'll wake up around 8-9am, have breakfast, write out what tasks I need to do that day, then take my time getting ready, reading the news, checking/trading stocks, etc. I'll then do any design work, rough sketches or tasks requiring creative thought. I also find it's a perfect time to do any type of therapy or meditation, as I'm already in a semi-conscious state and can more easily deal with certain topics that the logical part of my brain would otherwise fight against.

By around 11am, I'll have consumed enough caffeine to switch on the logic part of my brain and can start working on tasks that require more focus. My concentration and energy levels continue to climb until about 7pm, when I start to get hyperactive unless I go for a walk or exercise in some way to burn off the excess energy. If I try to exercise in the morning (as most PTs recommend) then I feel drained for the rest of the day. When I get back I'll normally return to work for a few more hours. My peak productivity is always late afternoon/evening, sometimes later if I'm really switched on and enjoying the task. Trying to do things the other way around just doesn't work.

My brain also hates being told what to do (even by me!) so I've experimented with various techniques until settling on the below cup method. I have no idea if there are better methods out there (probably), but my philosophy is always 'if it ain't broke then don't fix it'. This method has worked well for me over the years and might be useful for anyone else reading this who struggles to get things done.

After writing out my tasks for the day each morning, I'll cut them up into individual bits of paper, fold and stick them in a cup, and pick one at random. I'll work on that task until it's either complete or I'm bored (in which case it goes back into the cup). This tricks my brain into feeling as if everything I do is a random surprise and I get to constantly switch things up so I'm not forcing myself to keep working on something when I'm out of the zone. I still get everything done, just in a non-linear fashion. This works especially well for really tedious and/or repetitive tasks that I can break up into 30-60 minute blocks and fit around other tasks in the day.

The same method applies to any big projects that I work on that can span 2-3 years. I'll break it all down into minor tasks with a (digital) 'cup' for each of those. I'll then split each task into smaller tasks and add them to the cup. Each week I'll pick a cup at random and work on tasks within that cup until I get bored (at certain times of the month, I'm also far better at technical or creative work due to hormones so that also impacts which tasks I choose - I'll maybe do a separate post on that for the ladies!). There are a couple of other ADHD types in my team find the same method really helpful. The work all gets done, just in a more roundabout way. We've tried other methods in the past and people would work hard-core for a bit, then burn out and quit the project. So far this way of working has been the most successful.

Does anyone use a different technique to stay motivated? Or have you tried something like the cup method and found it beneficial?

3 Apr 2021

Current Music - App Review


I'm always on the lookout for extra passive income streams. I don't have time for many of the mainstream ones (the well known survey sites aren't worth the time and energy). But occasionally I'll find something that requires little to no effort on my part that is worth signing up to. 

A colleague pointed out Current to me a few months ago. I've been a long time user of Spotify, as I listen to music all day every day while I work. So the idea of earning money rather than paying a subscription fee definitely won me over. I've experimented with the app for several weeks now and earned enough points to cash out. So I feel confident enough that the app isn't a scam to recommend it to other people.

The Basics

You are rewarded points per song. You can also watch extra 15-30 second video ads to rack up extra points. There are other tasks such as games and surveys, but I've never bothered with those so can't comment on whether they are any good. The points you earn on the songs varies a lot depending on the radio station and time of day and can be anywhere between 0.5 and 114 (I got lucky during an Easter holiday bonus). Once you collect enough points you can cash out via Paypal or order one of the gadgets from their rewards page.


  • It does what it says on the tin. You get paid for listening to music! 
  • If you want to complete more mundane tasks to earn money faster, the option is there. 
  • It's quick to install and get going, easy to use, and everything seems to work.
  • Their selection of stations is humongous and I've found some brilliant retro music via the recommendations list.
  • The customer service guys are pretty good. I had to contact them a couple of times at the start and they responded quickly.
  • You can save music to play offline, which is useful if you travel around a lot.


  • The app will switch to 'inactive' mode after 30 minutes of non use. It keeps playing music, but stops earning points. You have to watch one of the video ads to reactivate it. It's not a huge pain in the ass and Current earn their money via the ads, so I can't really complain. 
  • Right now the only way to cash out is via Paypal. They are adding Bitcoin and other methods in the near future. But if you're really not a fan of Paypal, then that may be an issue.
  • If your internet connection is a bit hit and miss, it won't always credit you the full amount of points for a song. But there is no warning message to tell you this. I only noticed my connection was janky after noticing a string of low point scores.

If you are looking to make a LOT of passive income, then Current isn't for you. I can average a few pounds a week in earnings, but that's after listening 5-10 hours a day non stop. For the music junkies out there, this is likely a useful little app that will put a few extra quid in your pocket each month.