Q. I'm a student nearing the end of highschool and thinking about university. Should I take out a gap year first and get some work experience?

A. You should take out a gap year, get a job, then keep working rather than wasting your time at university. Other than a few very specific fields requiring a degree (medicine, for example) degrees are an absolute waste of time for most people and will just tie you down with huge debts for the first decade or more of your life. If you absolutely must get a degree, then there are better ways to achieve that than full time tuition. Decide what you want to do, then get part/full funding by your employer. Study part time via distance learning (usually far cheaper and will give you time to work). Look at alternative study via apprenticeships. Maybe consider getting into a trade (having seen what tradesmen in my family earn, this would be my choice if I could go back in time). You don't need to get into insane amounts of debt to get a job. In many cases it will hold you back, as you'll have missed several years of work experience.

Please see the below video explaining the problem far better than I can:

Once you're done with that, pick a useful profession and build up a portfolio of experience and projects you need to actually offer value to an employer. If you can prove you have marketable skills that can make a company money, then you will get hired!

(more to come - site updating)

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